Sound Wings
Sound Wings are incredible chime instruments from Svaram in southern India. It is suspended from the ceiling, or attached to a stand, so that when you strike the notes with a mallet, it can freely spin on it's central axis.
The true magic of these instruments is in the movement/spinning of the sound within a space. Check it out below!
Sound Wings a a larger version of the smaller Flow Chimes, and match the Earth Flow Chimes if you are looking for a harmonious set.
Listen to the Sound Wing
This harmonizing instrument combines an ancient tuning with rotating movement to bring a unique sound-atmosphere in your environment. Based on a series of pure fifths - the universal "Pythagorean" tuning - it evokes the dynamics of expanding spirals, ever widening in the ascending scale, or descending, inward moving, centering spirals.
“Out of the One reflects the Two. From the union of these the Three is born. Out of the Three all things in the world are created”