Micro Crystal Harps - Small
Micro Crystal Harps - Small
Micro Crystal Harps - Small
Micro Crystal Harps - Small
Micro Crystal Harps - Small

Micro Crystal Harps - Small

Regular price $340.00 $0.00

The Svaritanum Micro Crystal Harp is the smallest crystal harp we carry and are much higher in sound than Crystal Harps....more reminiscent of enchanting small bells and chimes connected to the higher celestial realm.  A great addition to your instrument collection!

To understand the differences between the Kalimba Style and the Standard Style of the Micro Crystal Harp, see below:

The Kalimba Style Micro Crystal Harp

  • Kalimba Micro Harp is attached into the bottom of the small plastic case 
  • Hold on the flat back of the case with less movement
  • Available in the 2 highest keys available only: A & B
  • 4 scale options available (same as standard)
  • Choose 440 or 432 frequency (same as standard)
  • Instrument Size: 8 x 8 x 2.5 inches in the case
  • ADVANTAGE 1: If you love the highest sounds, this style is for you
  • ANVANTAGE 2: Most simplicity and smaller overall size with case

The Standard Style Micro Crystal Harp

  • Comes with a very secure padded hard case
  • Held by back handle on it's frame to easily move around a space
  • Available in 5 keys which are lower than the kalimba style:  C, D, E, F & G
  • 4 scales options available (same as standard)
  • Choose 440 or 432 frequency (same as standard)
  • Size: 6 x 6 x 2 inches...Size in case:  12.5 x 8 x 3 inches
  • ADVANTAGE 1: Many more options to match your other instruments
  • ADVANTAGE 2: Best protection for transport with padded hard case 
  • ADVANTAGE 3: More freedom of movement with a handle on the back



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