Michelle began her path of yoga many years ago which transpired into teaching in 2007. After a car accident created multiple spinal injuries, and her doctors told her the only option was major surgery, Michelle began looking for alternative treatments. She decided to take the lead in her own healing, and began studying and practicing Iyengar Yoga and Krama Vinyasa Yoga. Now her body is in great health and her mind is steady.
While in India , she studied at the Iyengar Himalayan Center to learn yoga therapy techniques to better understand students that come into the practice with injuries. Complementing that avenue of yoga, she has completed several Thai bodywork trainings which she incorporates in her one on one yoga sessions. Michelle's thirst for knowledge lead her to Nepal where she completed two sound healing therapy courses in the himalayas with a 5th generation Sound Shaman. Her passion is travel and yoga and leads healing yoga retreats yearly.  What inspires her most is the amazing students and community that continues to grow and flourish through these practices.